Dyslexia is a specific difficulty in reading, writing, and spelling, it is not caused by a lack of intelligence or a lack of opportunity to learn. It has been estimated that 3% to 5% of Singaporeans may be dyslexic. The difficulties caused by dyslexia can be overcome with specialist teaching and the use of compensatory strategies. Please click around the site to find out more about dyslexia.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My initial thoughts on Dyslexia

Dyslexia is something that I have only been aware of recently. It may be because of all the 'A-list' celebrities that have admitted to overcoming it or it might be from hearing about it at school. Nevertheless, after embarking on a short perusal on the internet on the topic of dyslexia, I realise how little I know about it at all! As Sharlene and Sandra have already enlighted us about the definition of dyslexia and the first-hand experiences of Joe, there are many misconceptions that I too have believed at one time or another.

The first misconception is that dyslexics are of lower intelligence. This is untrue, in fact many brilliant minds throughout history were dyslexic including Albert Einstein, Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison. These people made huge contributions to the world. So the question of whether dyslexics are 'dumb' is certainly incorrect!

Often children with dyslexia are ridiculed and out casted because they are unable to keep up with other children in their class. This drives me more to do something about the level of awareness at a younger age. Especially after reading about the experiences of Joe, I think that awareness is definitely an area that needs improvement!

Another common misconception is that dyslexia is considered behavioural, pyschological, motivational or a social disorder. As Sharlene has already mentioned it is actually a disorder that occurs in the brain! I can only imagine what it would be like being a dyslexic and realise how much we all take so much for granted - including our ability to read with ease. There are so many situations at school, at work or even in everyday situations where this would be such a disadvantage. Like reading street signs perhaps...

The last common misconception that I will mention is where dyslexia is considered a disease. As it has been mentioned earlier it is a disability. Many celebrities claim to have overcome it and have obviously excelled in their careers but now the question is whether or not there are facilities dyslexics can easily access for help. Maybe the more important question is whether dyslexics get diagnosed properly at all. More on that and celebrities on another post!

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